Sep 24, 2023Liked by Roshan Ali

Let’s not saw off the branch one is sitting.

There are millions and millions of species on this planet earth. Many end up competing for the same resources. There are different types of relationships such as mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, competition etc.

What the clown fish have with sea anemone is a mutualistic relationship. Both species benefits, the clown fish has evolved over the period to thrive the toxins produced by the nematocysts of sea anemone.

Every organism on this earth is evolving including the human being. The spectrum of this evolution is quite evident in the human population. Some carry those animalistic characteristics still with them while some have evolved to epitomize the human qualities. Every link in this evolution is important it’s not one is better than the other.

Sometimes it’s good to come out of the ivory thrones to the jungles with other creatures. To break the patterns of a ‘machine’ man to evolve to the human being in all aspects.

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